Monday, April 4, 2011

Playoff Video Diary Day 1 and 2

Hey everybody! I know it's been a while since I last checked in and I hope you didn't miss me too much. If you did, well you won't have to worry about that now that it's playoff time. So that you can keep up with everything that's going on with the team in the postseason, I'm going to do a video diary every day. Whether we're at home or on the road. I might not always be able to update it on a daily basis, depending on internet access, but I'll update as often as possible.

Since there's no wireless internet on our bus anymore, I had to wait until now to upload the diary entry from yesterday and today. So you're getting two for the price of one! (Even though neither really cost you anything to begin with.) It should be a great ride through the playoffs, and I know I'm going to enjoy it because I haven't been involved in the playoffs since 2008.

Something I wasn't able to document on video, but was able to sit in on, was the Road Warriors' team meeting on Sunday afternoon before we left for Elmira later that evening. I was humbled that Coach Stork asked me to be there as I view myself as just a very small part of this team's makeup. But I was there, nonetheless, as he went over travel itinerary, scouting reports on the Jackals, etc. After all that everyone in the room took a turn telling a story about some experience they had in their life that dealt with winning (insert Charlie Sheen joke here) and what it took to get to the top. What I realized, more than anything, is how tight-knit this group of players is and how badly each guy wants to win for the others. It's a really encouraging sign and something that could help carry this team a long way over the next few weeks. No matter how long it lasts, I can't wait to share the experience with all of you great fans. With that, here's a look at my first two diary entries:

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